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Planned Giving Mentor

Partnership: Hospice Philanthropy Group L.L.C.

Wayne Olson, JD Consulting Associate (Eastern Division)

S. Renee Brida, JD Senior Associate and Lawyer (Western Division)

IRS Downloads - The following information is directly from the IRS Forms and Publications web site and represent useful items when working with planned gifts.

IRS Form W9, used by donors to indicate their social security number and if they are subject to witholding on their life income payments

IRS Form 8283, 2021 NEW form used to report stock gifts life income arrangements and capital assets subject to appraisal requirements. Instructions for completing form 8283, December 2021

IRS Form 8282, used to report the sale of capital assets within three years of a gift requiring an appraisal, form has instructions

IRS Publication 526 Charitable Contributions (2018) NEW, complete instructions on how charitable contributions may be made to qualified organizations

IRS Publication 561 Determining the Value of Donated Assets (2020), provides assistance on both cash and non-cash gifts

IRS Publication 1771 Charitable Gifts Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements 2018

IRS Publication 4302 A charity guide to vehicle donations

IRS Publication 4303 A donor guide to vehicle donations

IRS 990 newly revised 2013 form for non profit organizations exempt from taxation

IRS 990 and 990EZ instructions- link to instructins

IRS Publication 1771 Charitable Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements

IRS Bulletin No. 2008-30 Sample wording for Charitable Remainder Unitrust, Annuity Trusts and Lead Trusts

IRS Publication 970 Tax Benefits for Education (2020 version)